Prior Authorizations are not uncommon in the pharmacy industry. Prior Authorizations, commonly referred to as “PAs”, are often required with expensive prescription drugs. Many of the medications prescribed will often have generic equivalents and/or possible alternatives that are less expensive. Though the medication was prescribed by Doctor, that alone does not guarantee that your insurance company will cover the medication. A Prior Authorization is further verification that a certain drug or treatment is medically necessary.
However, there’s no need to worry, LifeCare Pharmacy is here to help throughout the process.
LifeCare Pharmacy Staff includes highly-trained Prior Authorization Specialists, who have the knowledge and experience in securing Prior Authorizations. LifeCare Staff will work to the best of their abilities to ensure you receive the medication(s) prescribed to you.
In the unfortunate case when a Prior Authorization is denied or the cost even after Insurance Coverage is too high, LifeCare Pharmacy will help in researching Financial Assistance Programs and/or qualifying programs.
LifeCare Pharmacy is with you, step-by-step!